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Neuromodulators temporarily relax the muscles in your face, leaving you with smoother skin for several months. When done by an experienced injector, results are subtle and predictable. Injections require regular maintenance for long-term results.

Neuromodulators are substances that modify the way nerves communicate with muscles. Neuromodulators work specifically by blocking communication from the nerves to the muscles, so the muscles do not move or contract in response. Previously used for medical reasons, such as eye twitches, cosmetic professionals began wondering how neuromodulators could work in aesthetics.

After exploring the concept, dermatologists found that neuromodulators effectively relax the muscles around the eyes and can weaken the muscles around the face that can cause wrinkles when making facial expressions. Since then, neuromodulators have been used to treat signs of aging.

Our neuromodulator procedures are performed quickly and effectively at our office. During your appointment, we will use a tiny needle to inject the neuromodulator solution just beneath your skin. There is no downtime required with this treatment, and results begin to show a few days after treatment but will continue to develop for a couple weeks. Some minor swelling or bruising may occur, which will decrease in a few days and easily covered with make-up.